Invocation to Urania

by Raven Kaldera

Lady of the Starry Cloak,

Spread across the sky

Like a map of the Cosmos,

We open our minds to your wisdom,

To the well of knowledge

Left to us by the ancients,

And under that well

A deeper one, endless and old,

The understanding of the wheels

Within wheels that turn,

Giving rhythm to our Universe.


Lady of the Globe,

Help us to feel our place

As one small thread in a great net,

One small spoke on an eternal wheel,

One part of the raucous orchestra

That is the continual music of the spheres.

Help us to see where we touch

Everything else in existence.


Lady of the Compass,

Show us the future

And how it changes,

How to grasp for it

And how to breathe our calm

And let it flow by with us.

Help us to navigate storms

And find our way through wilderness.


Lady who counts each star,

Let us glimpse the rare beauty

Of the wheeling universe

That sings through your hands.