The Asphodel Choir is a small group of pagan singers who perform historical, modern, and original folk songs, at Asphodel rituals and occasionally other Pagan events in Massachusetts. If you would like to sing with the choir, or are just interested in learning some good pagan songs, our practices are on Mondays at 7pm, either in Worcester (near the Clark University campus) or in Hubbardston. Beginners are welcome! You don't need to be a great singer, and you don't need to be able to read sheet music. You just need to enjoy singing. If you are interested, contact Raven ( for the address. For reference of choir members, here is the rehearsal schedule.

The Asphodel Choir is eventually putting together a songbook with sheet music to all their original songs. You may download sheet music for their Lammas song, "Golden One" (44KB), in PDF format. You can also listen to a rough recording of the song from rehearsal: GoldenOne.mp3 (4.18MB) The Asphodel choir hopes to someday put together a few professional-quality recordings, but has not yet found an appropriate opportunity.
The Asphodel Blessing Song
(listen to it)
May the earth welcome your footsteps,
May the wind sing your tale,
May fire dance from your fingertips,
May the ocean speed your sail.
May your courage never fail you,
May your words be blessed with grace;
May the spirit of inspiration light your way.
May you be a friend to your destiny
May you always know your name.
May you learn to dance with lightning
When life brings storm and rain.
May you never be far from family
Whether kin by blood or heart;
May you never feel completely set apart.
May you walk through life like a balance beam
And never stumble and fall.
May you walk through a hundred angry glares
And may it not matter at all.
May you never cease to teach
And never cease to learn;
May the spark of hope inside you always burn.
May you walk with light through your underworld
May you never fear your dark.
May you learn to love the monsters
That populate your heart.
May you be healed of your deepest wounds
And wear the scars with pride,
And may your soul never have to hide.
May the earth welcome your footsteps,
May the wind sing your tale,
May fire dance from your fingertips,
May the ocean speed your sail.
May your courage never fail you,
May your words be blessed with grace,
May the spirit of inspiration light your way.