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Court of Asphodel Elemental Ritual

East -- called by the Dean of the College of Brigantia and one other Brigantia member;
Dean should carry a sword and the other member a great fan.

Dean: All Hail the Standing Stone of the East!
Other: All Hail the Keeper of the Spring Equinox!
Dean: Who is called the Light of Knowledge!
Other: Hail Brigid, Maker of Alphabets!
Dean: Who is called Clarity of Mind!
Other: Hail Athena, Mentor of Wisdom!
Dean: Who is called Psychopomp!
Other: Hail Hermes Thrice-Magical!
Dean: Who is called Blade of the Hurricane!
Other: Hail Oya, Storm Who Sweeps Clean!
Dean: Who is called Dawn of All Beginnings!
Other: Hail Nuit, Star Goddess,
Dean: In the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
Other: Whose body encircles the Universe.
Both: Open, Gate of the Winds!

South -- called by the Knights of Blutwasser, who should bear polearms or swords, and carry torches.

Senior Knight: All Hail the Standing Stone of the South!
K1: All Hail the Keeper of the Summer Solstice!
Senior Knight: Who is called Hammer of the Forge!
K2: Hail Brigid, Tempering Flame!
Senior Knight: Who is called Courage of the Heart!
K1: Hail Mars, Protector and Defender!
Senior Knight: Who is called All-Seeing Eye!
K2: Hail Horus, Sharp of Glance!
Senior Knight: Who is called Bright Spirit!
K1: Hail Lugh Sun-Face!
Senior Knight: Who is called Noonday Heat!
K2: Hail Sekhmet, Lioness of the Desert!
Senior Knight: Spirit of Strength and Passion,
K1: Spirit of Honor and Glory,
K2: We salute you!
All: Open, Gate of the Fire!

West -- called by the Princess and assistant bearing 5 chalices holding rainwater, seawater, freshwater, groundwater, and white wine which they toss outward in wide arcs for libations.

W1: All hail the Standing Stone of the West!
W2: All Hail the Keeper of the Autumn Equinox!
W1: Who is called Healer of All Ills!
W2: Hail Brigid, Lady of the Holy Well!  (groundwater libation)
W1: Who is called Giver of All Life!
W2: Hail Yemaya, Ocean Mother!  (white wine libation)
W1: Who is called Keeper of the Mysteries!
W2: Hail Hecate, Crossroads of the Moon!  (rainwater libation)
W1: Who is called Opener of the Heart!
W2: Hail Aphrodite, Love and Desire!  (freshwater libation)
W1: Who is called Gift of the Depths!
W2: Hail Poseidon, Rider of the Wave!  (seawater libation)
W1: From rain to river,
W2: From river to sea,
Both: Our blood runs with your love!

North -- called by the nobility, who bear banners on staves and beat drums.

N1: All Hail the Standing Stone of the North!
N2: All Hail the Keeper of the Winter Solstice!
N1: Who is called Mother Eternal!
N2: Hail Gaea, Earth beneath our feet!
N1: Who is called Spirit of the Wild!
N3: Hail Pan, Goat-Footed Son of the Mountains!
N1: Who is called Sacrificed One!
N2: Hail Ing, Corn King!
N1: Who is called Wine of Life!
N3: Hail Dionysus, Dancer on the Vine!
N1: Who is called Deepest Cave!
N2: Hail Mother of Dragons!
N1: Circle of Midgard,
N2: From you we spring,
N3: And from you we shall return!
All: Open, Gate of the Land!

Queen: By the Power below us, Center of the Earth,
We stand at the center of all things,
We stand at the center of our souls.
May all the gods watch over our kingdom
And all its people
Until Death takes us or the world ends.

King: By the Power above us, Center of the Universe,
We stand at the center of all things,
We stand at the center of the Great Web.
May the Fates be kind to our kingdom
And all its people
Until Death takes us or the world ends.
All Hail Asphodel!

All: All Hail Asphodel! All Hail King Raven! All Hail Queen Bella!

Herald: Be welcome at the Beltane Court of King Raven, in the Third Year of Asphodel Reckoning.

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