Imbolc Quarter Calling for Brigid
East: Hail, spirits of the East,
Powers of Air!
I call upon Lady Brigid,
At this Her time of the year,
Lady of poetry,
Inventor of alphabets,
Who knows the secrets
Of the Words of Power.
Clear our minds, Lady,
With every cleansing breath.
South: Hail, spirits of the South,
Powers of Fire!
I call upon Lady Brigid
At this Her time of the year,
Warrior goddess of the sword,
Fighting for that which you call your own,
Creative spark and tempering flame!
Light up our spirits, Lady,
With the heat of your laughter.
West: Hail, spirits of the West,
Powers of Water!
I call upon Lady Brigid
At this Her time of the year,
Lady of healing,
Seeker of the sacred herbs,
Curer of illness and mender of body,
Lady of the Holy Well,
May we drink of your overflowing waters.
North: Hail, spirits of the North,
Powers of Earth!
I call upon Lady Brigid
At this Her time of the year,
Lady of labor, Lady of the smithy,
Goddess who is not afraid to work,
Hammer and anvil,
Patron of artisan and craftsman,
Gift our hands with your sacred skill
That we may always do you honor.
Artwork by Theresa Knott.