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Showing candles 581 to 587 of 587
Lit Wed August 16, 2017Hail Morrigan!
Praise to the Goddess who brings us glory if following our destiny's promise!
Lit Thu August 10, 2017Hail Morrigan!
Praise the Queen of Shadows,
She who has shown me the beauty to be found in the dark.
She who sees the Ways and the Veils.
I honor you.
Lit Thu August 10, 2017Thank you Morrigan, for...
Thank you Morrigan, for teaching me about yourself and how important your relationship with Cu Chulainn is for polytheists seeking to understand the ways of deities. Thank you, Great Queen!
Lit Fri August 04, 2017Morrigan, please help...
Morrigan, please help Remove the obstacles that you know I need removed to be truly free. Please come to my assistance.
For this, I will be your priest and do what you ask of me and tell others about you.
Lit Fri August 04, 2017Hail Morrigan!
Wonderful Queen of Phantoms, you make the victories of the heroes and heroines sweeter by making the obstacles much harder. You grant to the powerful more enemies to force ourselves to our undiscovered limits. How could we NOT love you, Great Queen? You who make everything a test, you who predicts fate, who chants fate into existence?
Your obstacles have made humanity grow. May we fight for what is right with your grace upon us.
Lit Fri August 04, 2017Thank you Morrigan, for...
Thank you Morrigan, for getting so many people into Celtic Paganism. May they find the importance of the other deities through their fascination with you.
Lit Thu August 03, 2017Hail Morrigan!
Hail Morrigan!
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Showing candles 581 to 587 of 587