Light a Candle for Rhiannon

Light a virtual candle for Rhiannon

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sun September 22, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you, O Great Lady for spiritually guiding me since age 11. You have been a gentle stick g force in my life.
Lit Fri August 23, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you Rhiannon, for being YOU and for guiding and leading me into a closer relationship with You.
Blessed Be.
Lit Sat August 03, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Beautiful Rhiannon, great Lady, I honour you with all that I am
Lit Fri July 26, 2019 Hail Rhiannon!

You are beautiful to me, O Great Lady!
Lit Wed July 17, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you Rhiannon, for showing up for me.
Lit Sun July 07, 2019 Rhiannon, please help...

Rhiannon, please help Lorie to have your courage, stamina, wisdom and grace to deal with the numerous challenges facing her. Help her to do what she needs to do and to rise from her bed of sorrows and live again.

Thank you for the light and wisdom that you have given me. For the lessons learned as we have communed and the transformation you have helped me achieve.

For this, I will
Lit Mon July 01, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you Rhiannon, for hearing my prayers. Blessed are you, Great Queen.
Lit Sat June 29, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you Rhiannon
Lit Mon June 03, 2019 Thank you Rhiannon, for...

Thank you Rhiannon, for bringing the sun into a time where darkness was abound. Thank you for being there for me... I will always honor, respect and believe in you and your blessings.
Lit Sun June 02, 2019 Rhiannon, please help...

Rhiannon, please help repair my home.

For this, I will honor your memory
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