Prayer to the Lady of Birds and Horses

by Ari Kenner

May I fly like the lark,

O Rhiannon,

Soaring into the morning,

O Rhiannon,

With a voice and a wing

I will call in the spring,

May I fly like the lark,

O Rhiannon.


May I run like the racehorse,

O Rhiannon,

Swift and sleek toward my goals,

O Rhiannon,

I’ll be fire on the track

With the wind at my back,

May I run like the racehorse,

O Rhiannon.


May I swoop like the hawk,

O Rhiannon,

Sharp and keen to my target, O Rhiannon,

My eye will see all,

I will dive but not fall,

May I swoop like the hawk, O Rhiannon.


May I plod like the carthorse, O Rhiannon,

Bearing under my burdens, O Rhiannon,

Bear the loves of my heart

Under wagon or cart,

May I plod like the carthorse, O Rhiannon.


May I hide like the pheasant, O Rhiannon,

In hedgerow or ditch, O Rhiannon,

Blending skillful and shy

From my enemy’s eye,

May I hide like the pheasant, O Rhiannon.


May I climb like the trailhorse, O Rhiannon,

Up the steepest of mountains, O Rhiannon,

Sure-footed and slow,

Steady on may I go,

May I climb like the trailhorse, O Rhiannon.