For this, I will light this candle and give offerings of yellow wildflowers.
Lit Sun October 20, 2019Hail Artemis!
Hail, fierce Artemis, protectress.
Lit Fri October 11, 2019Artemis, please help...
Artemis, please help...
For this, I will...
Lit Sat September 28, 2019Thank you Artemis, for...
Thank you Artemis, for giving me the strength to accept myself
Lit Mon September 23, 2019Artemis, please help...
Artemis, please help me through this transition into being an empowered and assertive woman.
For this, I will give you an offering.
Lit Mon September 23, 2019Hail Artemis!
Hail Artemis on this, the first day of Autumn.
Lit Fri September 13, 2019Hail Artemis!
Oh, Patroness Artemis I wish to apologize for what I was referring to you as during my class. So for that, I wish to apologize and plead for forgiveness. I hope you accept such a request.
Lit Sun September 08, 2019Thank you Artemis, for...
Thank you Artemis, for allowing me to feel your presence and leading me to your path. I walk the earth in your honor, and thank you for giving me the chance to follow you.
Lit Fri September 06, 2019Hail Artemis!
Hail Artemis, Virgin Lady, Huntress of the Night. Blessed art thou, daughter of Jupiter, princess among the Greek spirits. The moon is thy sanctified vessel, shining forth light among the darkness of night.
Lit Fri September 06, 2019Thank you Artemis, for...