Light a Candle for Artemis

Light a virtual candle for Artemis

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Thu September 05, 2019 Hail Artemis!

Hail Artemis, Virgin Lady, Huntress of the Night. Blessed art thou, daughter of Jupiter, princess among the Greek spirits. The moon is thy sanctified vessel, shining forth light among the darkness of night.
Lit Wed September 04, 2019 Hail Artemis!

Hail Artemis, Virgin Lady, Huntress of the Night. Blessed art thou, daughter of Jupiter, princess among the Greek spirits. The moon is thy sanctified vessel, shining forth light among the darkness of night.
Lit Sun September 01, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for showing me how to be a man in the Modern World and all the worlds before and after.
Lit Wed August 28, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for empowering and encouraging women all around the world and for always protecting nature and our beautiful Earth.
Lit Wed August 28, 2019 Hail Artemis!

I will always defend your place in my life.
Lit Thu August 01, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for consistantly pevailing through the darkest of times. I light this candle in your honor.
Lit Sun July 21, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for leading me to You
Lit Sat July 20, 2019 Artemis, please help...

Oh Artemis, Sister of Apollo, I reach out to You today in Your online shrine on this day to ask for Your aid.

I have not been focused as of recent, and I need help in regaining it as I begin my journey to use my musical and artistic talents to start a business, first through social media marketing,

Please help me regain my focus, so that I can prioritise what needs to be done, to honour all Divine, and to spread awareness of Them in today's world especially among teenage youth, which is my generation.

For this, I will post an artwork of You on my art page, so that more will know of Your glory and greatness. HAIL ARTEMIS!
Lit Wed July 17, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for giving me Your strength.
Lit Sat July 13, 2019 Thank you Artemis, for...

Thank you Artemis, for protecting the animals on the earth
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